Quantity: 3-4

1 kg of cauliflower

1 large onion

5 cloves of garlic

300 g of cooked or canned black or red beans

1 lime

2 handfuls of fresh coriander

2 tablespoons of oil

Salt and pepper to taste

Gourmet Club salsa

First chop, grate or process the cauliflower (also use the leaves) with a food processor until fine and smooth. Chop the onion and garlic cloves and grate the peel of one lime. Heat the oil in a larger pan with higher sides and fry the garlic and onion in it until translucent. Add the cauliflower, lime zest and juice of half a lime, salt and pepper to the pan. Fry the cauliflower for 3 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Then add beans and chopped fresh coriander to the pan. Mix well and fry for another 4 minutes. If there is a lot of liquid, turn the heat up. Serve with your favorite Gourmet Club salsa.

Piilu, kuidas valmib Mahlane keeks kohupiimatäidisega 👀
Nädalavahetuse retseptiidee 💥

Tee ise pitsat ja kasuta pitsakastmena hummust. Meie tegime pitsa Sriracha hummusega, kuid kõik maitsed sobivad oivaliselt! Peale oma lemmikud lisandid ja naudi! 👌🏼
Pühapäeval tähistame vanavanemate päeva, et tänada neid kõikide teadmiste, elutarkuste, hoole ning armastuse eest 💕 Tähista seda tähtsat päeva koos enda lähedaste ning parimate hõrgutistega 🍰
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